
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Febrile Fits( Convulsions)

Meaning of Febrile Fits
 Febrile means fever
 Fits mean convulsions

SO febrile fits are defined as seizures associated with fever , (in the absence of detectable Central Nervous System) In Febrile Fits the Seizures are generalized in whole body of the child with loss of consciousness .How can mothers and family members at home can said that its febrile fits.

  • ·         The mother should now that age of three months to five years is mostly associated with febrile fits

  • ·         If the child has fever of 38.8 degree centigrade (it’s about 100 to 101F)

  • ·         They should be NO CNS infection

If the child has CNS infection or previous history of seizures due to epilepsy than these are not the febrile fits. F.Fits is most common cause of childhood convulsion disorders common in boys than girls.

Simple Fits
If a child has fits for less than fifteen minutes and do not occur again.

Complex Fits
When the fits are prolonged more than thirty minutes and occur again in 24 hours.

If mother or a family member note all these signs in a child she should take her child to near hospital as soon as possible don’t wait for any help or don’t use any homemade remedy  because this is a clinical emergency.

Cure For Febrile Fits
If the mother and family member cannot take their child to hospital due to any problem than she should try to lower down the high temperature / fever as soon as possible by doing TAPID  water sponging and by giving (Paracetamol 60mg per Kg)
Family of the Child Should be reassured that as the fever goes down the fits will settle and this disease outcome is good but the child should be in hospital for further management (investigate and treatment).

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